Marie Ségolène C. Brault 
b. 1988, Montreal /Canada
Marie Ségolène is an interdisciplinary artist, writer and curator based in Montreal (Canada).  She holds two bachelor degrees from Concordia University in Creative Writing and Intermedia Cyberarts. She completed her Masters in Performance from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago in 2019. Marie has exhibited work and performed in the US, Canada, and Europe in spaces such as  M.Leblanc (Chicago), No Gallery (New York), the CUE Arts Foundation (New York), EXPO Chicago, Extase (Chicago), Hauser & Wirth (New York), Pangée (Montreal), the Knockdown Center (New York) and more.

Marie is the director of Espace Maurice, an apartment gallery located in Montreal (Canada) as well as a founding member of Calliope: a ongoing performance and poetry series which has taken place in Montreal, New York and Chicago.

Her writing has been commissioned by galleries such as TAP Art Space (Montreal) and Afternoon Projects (Vancouver), and has been featured in small presses and journals such as Dinner Bell, Glamour Girl, Ginger Zine, Desuetude, and The Wine Zine. Marie has authored and designed over five artist books as well as a poetry chapbook published by Grosse Fugue in 2021. 

Artist Statement 

Formally my research is anchored in psychoanalysis, obsessive thinking, addiction and divinity. My writing explores questions of cognitive dissonance, fractured thinking, histrionics and exhibitionism through confessions, poetic fragments, historical facts and the epistolary. 

In these theatrical expressions of my longings, I confess and compose the history of my losses, my wounds, my openings,  my grief and pleasures in hopes of suspending time. And that in this time-suspended, I may invite viewers to plunge into their own breaches, openings, lacks and desires.

In my work, what begins as writing is transformed into performance and sculptural installations which appear as uncanny environments filled with their own set of symbology and coded references, amongst familiar found objects, houseware, officeware, and organic ingredients.

Artist Resume
Curratorial CV